About Us

About Us
Thousands of people rely on RAHMA to get served with respect.
RAHMA Islamic Relief (RIR) registered on August 31, 2009 as a non-profit, non-governmental entity under the Trust Act, 1882, Government of Pakistan, GoP.(Registration No. 1629). The organization has signed MOU with Economic Affairs Division (EAD), GoP RIR is also awarded by certification from Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) after meeting the quality standards in the areas of internal governance, financial management and programme delivery.
The organization is also member of different global forums as Stop TB Partnership and Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW). Furthermore, its healthcare programme in Punjab is registered from Punjab Healthcare Commission, GoP. (Registration No. R-32277),RIR is a national-level NGO in Pakistan, inspired by the Islamic charity principles and is working for improving lives of the people irrespective of their gender, caste, color, religion or political views.
Our Vision
“A just and caring society”
Our Mission
“To improve the life quality of vulnerable people through sustainable development and ensure timely
humanitarian assistance in need.”
Health & Nutrition (Patients)
Water Projects (Beneficiaries)
Humanitarian Response
SATH Program-Hepatitis (Individuals)
Total Baneficiaries

A Brief History of Rahma Islamic Relief
The devastating Pakistan earthquake (2005) was the element that brought together the group of some humanitarian people. Initially they had been working as a team of volunteers carrying out different relief and recovery activities for earthquake affected population with financial cooperation by Pakistani diaspora community in Norway and other developed countries. Later they decided to work in an organized manner and founded an organization with a formal legal status and identity.
Our Partners