Health & Nutrition

Health & Nutrition
Thousands of people rely on RAHMA to get served with respect.
Access to healthcare (prevention and cure) remains a challenge in Pakistan. The burden of no communicable diseases alone is responsible for 50.5%, of all deaths in the country. Women and children suffer more due to the dearth of quality healthcare services especially in remote rural areas. Many women die from preventable complications during pregnancy & delivery, and newborn care is unavailable in many parts of the country. RIR strives to increase access to the quality and timely healthcare services of the demographically remote and economically challenged communities, through
- Outpatient Consultation & Diagnostic Services
- Maternal, Newborn & Child Health Services
- Ambulance Services
- Addressing Malnutrition
- Health coverage to marginalized, women, elderly, and People with Disabilities Rehabilitation & Construction of Health Infrastructure
- Training of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs)
- Community Mobilization & Organization
- Health Awareness & Education
- Health Screening & Medical Camps
These services are provided through two regional Healthcare Centers named “RAHMA Hospitals”.
These services are provided through two regional Healthcare Centers named “RAHMA Hospitals”.

RAHMA Hospital Janpur, Rahim Yar Khan


Screening Awareness Treatment for Hepatitis (SATH)
SATH Project is done with collaboration of University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad, Total 7015 individuals benefitted through this project.
Hepatitis B and C are global health problems. There are 350 million Hepatitis B carriers worldwide, and going by the figure of 5.8% prevalence rate, there may be around 8 million Hepatitis B patients in Pakistan. Medical experts associate the fast increase in Hepatitis cases to ignorance and a lack of appropriate preventive measures.
Taking a leading step RAHMA with the help of University of AJK and Government Health Department jointly executed a pilot project named as SATH in this project RAHMA screened 7015 students and faculty members from University of AJK Muzaffarabad out of which 184 individuals were found positive against Hepatitis Government Health Department played the pivotal role by pledging the treatment of individuals found positive RAHMA also conducted awareness sessions in and outside the University. Affected individuals are now being treated free of cost at Government Health facilities. Azad Kashmir University is an institution where students from all over AJK and Pakistan are receiving their education. It is an alarming situation that an institution being represented by 7000 individuals provided 184 positive cases which is 2.6% of the sample population. These positive cases are from all overAJK and some are from Pakistan.