A high level meeting was held between the officials of RAHMA Islamic Relief and Yardimeli Turkey on June 22, 2022 in Istanbul. RIRP was represented by Chairman and CEO of RAHMA Islamic Relief Pakistan (RIRP) Mr. Saghir Qamar and head of Rahma Resource Mobilization & Partnerships Department Mr. Saghir Yousaf, where they met with the Dr. Sadik Danisman, President Yardimeli and his team. Both the organizations, discussed in detail, about their thematic areas of operations, mechanism of executing their projects and showed keen interest in working together and collaborating with each other in the areas of mutual interest and future projects. Chairman and CEO of (RIRP) Mr. Saghir Qamar also presented a momento to Dr. Sadik Danisman, President Yardimeli on this occasion.